黃綉媛 Sharon VONG
芭蕾舞導師 Ballet Teacher
香港演藝學院 (芭蕾舞)
澳門演藝學院 舞蹈學校 (芭蕾舞)
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Ballet)
Macau Conservatory School of Dance (Ballet)
Non-local Student Scholarship (2 Years) by The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Award Winner of the Star of Canaan Dance International Ballet Competition
Award Winner of the Taiwan Grand Prix

於2023年畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院芭蕾舞系。四歲時初次接觸芭蕾舞,經過六年普及訓練後,考入與上海戲劇學院舞蹈學校合辦的澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校的全日制舞蹈藝術課程主修芭蕾舞。在校六年間學習,除了主修芭蕾舞外,還修讀了現代舞、性格舞、中國民族民間舞、中國身韻等課程。曾參加澳門國際青年舞蹈節、新疆國際民族舞蹈節燈帶大型活動。並且獲得香港迦南舞蹈之星 、台灣國際芭蕾舞大賽等獎項。在香港演藝學院再讀期間獲得非本地學生持續發展獎學金以及蔡永善醫生伉儷紀念獎學金。
Sharon Vong graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Ballet. She first time get in touch with dance is when she was four years old, after six years of weekly dance learning, she chose Ballet as her major study to start her six yearlong full-time professional dance practice. She dances for the Macau International Youth Dance Festival, Xinjiang International Folk Dance Festival, etc. Honored to receive the award proven by the Star of Canaan Dance International Ballet Competition and also the Taiwan Grand Prix. Moreover, she received a non-local student scholarship for consecutive two years proved by Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.