林佩詩 Tracy Lam
Musical Jazz Teacher
Hong Kong Disneyland Dancer
Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Contemporary Dance)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) Degree in Dance
Teacher Diploma in Jazz (C.S.T.D)
Graduated from the Education University of Hong Kong
Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
林氏畢業於演藝學院,主修現代舞。畢業後獲取香港迪士尼獎學金,現為迪士尼全職舞蹈員。在學期間獲得香港特別行政區才藝發展獎學金及舞蹈學院現代舞獎學金。她活躍於爵士舞範疇,曾於國際賽事亞太區舞蹈比賽中獲得公開組獨舞冠軍;本地賽事中,連續兩屆獲得全港公開舞蹈比賽的金獎及最佳表現獎;香港獨舞大賽冠軍等 等。林氏近期參與由張䁱生編舞作品《冥幻》的演出,包括2023 年粵港澳大灣區舞蹈週及廣東現代舞周。林氏曾與多個編舞合作,包括澳洲的史蒂芬妮•雷克,更參與香港藝術節《無極》的演出;馬來西亞,不加鎖舞踊館的藝術總監王榮祿; 西班牙現代舞編舞家邱晉樂; 倫敦的國際編舞家麥麗娜;澳洲的編舞家余戴恩。
Lam Pui Sze was Born in Hong Kong. She is graduated form the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, major in contemporary dance. She had revceived Hong Kong Disneylad Scholarship and now work as a Full-time performer in Hong Kong Disneyland. During her study, Lam has received Talent Development scholarship form HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund and HKAPA School of Dance Contemporary Dance Faculty Scholarship. Lam has been actively participating in many jazz competitions and festi-vals. Internationally, she was the champion at the 21st Asia Pacific Dance Competition. Locally, she has won Gold Awards/Ranking 1 in Hong Kong Asia Solo, Hong Kong
Challenge Cup Dance Competition, and the 46th & 47th Hong Kong Open Dance Contest which she was also awarded with Best Performance.She has worked with international choreographers including Stephanie Lake (Australia),“Colossus “; Jorge Jauregui(Spanish), Leila Mcmillan (UK), Ong Yong Lock (Malaysia) and John Utans(Australia).