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Dance Training Programme



This program is designed by our School Principal, Miss Pansy Lo with the insights from our Program Consultant, Ms. Stella Lau. This is particularly designed for Hong Kong students, aiming to inspire and nurture young artists. It provides comprehensive ballet and contemporary dance training, which will enhance students' interest and passion for dance, discover their potential and lead them towards professional level.

  • 全年的舞蹈培訓課程

  • 課程包括:

    • 芭蕾舞及當代舞

    • 英國皇家舞蹈學院(芭蕾舞)考試

    • 身體強化訓練

    • 單對單培訓

    • 獨舞及比賽訓練

    • 學校表演及開放日

  • 學生將於完成全年的舞蹈課程後獲頒發證書

  • 表現優異的學生有機會獲頒發獎學金以示鼓勵

  • A full-year dance training program

  • Program included:

    • Ballet and Contemporary Dance

    • Royal Academy of Dance (Ballet) Exam

    • Body Conditioning

    • Private Coaching

    • Solo Dance and Competition Training

    • School Performance and Open Day

  • Students will receive a certificate after finishing the full-year program

  • Students with excellent performance may receive scholarships as encouragement

A-Ballet_Stella Lau_Headshot

Programme Consultant 課程顧問
Stella LAU 劉燕玲女士

Associate Professor (Ballet) of

the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
香港演藝學院舞蹈學院副教授 (芭蕾舞) 


​2023-2024 課程 Program

Open for Registration


Different Course Packages Up to 30% Off

WhatsApp 我們以了解課程及優惠
WhatsApp Us to Learn More the Program and Discounted Packages 2.PNG

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免費試堂周 FREE Trial Week

蹈培訓課程 2023-2024

Dance Training Program

公開課 (7-9月) 

Open Class (July to September)


Anatomy Workshop for Dancers

Makeup Class

舞蹈培訓課程 Dance Training Program

  • 學生需請假時,請盡早通知學校,以作請假程序及安排補課。

  • 學生每月可有2堂的補課機會,多於2堂後之課堂將不安排補課

  • 學生需於學生所選之課堂費用組合期內完成補課,期後將不獲安排補課。

  • Student needs to notify the school in advance for taking leave, the school will process take leave procedure and arrange make-up class.

  • Student has 2 make-up classes quota per month, no extra make-up class will be arranged when over the quota.

  • Student needs to arrange make-up class within the period of the class fee package that selected by the student. No make-up class will be arranged after the period. For instance, full-year plan (28 Aug 2023 to 31 Aug 2024) student can arrange make-up class before 31 Aug 2024.

公開課 – 全期學生 Open Class -  Full Course Student

  • 學生需請假時,請通知學校,以作請假程序及安排補課。

  • 全期學生不設補課限額。

  • 學生需於學生所選之課堂期加三個月內 (前後6個月內)完成補課,期後將不獲安排補課。例子:報名7月至 9月之課堂,可於 7月至 12月內安排補課。

  • Student needs to notify the school in advance for taking leave, the school will process the take leave procedure and arrange make-up class.

  • Full course student do not have any make-up class quota.

  • Student needs to arrange make-up class within 6 months (from the period of the course plus 3 months). No make-up class will be arranged after the period. For instance, Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 course, can arrange make-up class within Jul 2023 to Dec 2023.

Makeup Class
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