陳綠媛 Daisy Chan
Ballet Teacher
畢業於香港演藝學院 (現代舞)
Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Contemporary Dance)
The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Grade 8 and Advanced Certificate
Award Winner at the Dance World Cup Ballet Competition
Award Winner at the Asian Ballet Competition in the Contemporary Dance category

陳氏畢業於香港演藝學院基礎文憑課程,主修現代舞,在學期間曾與著名新疆編舞家合作 Hood Pasha Umer 《 Dance Meshrup》。 陳氏熱愛芭蕾舞,考獲英國皇家芭蕾舞8級及專業級證書。陳氏擁有豐富的舞台演出經驗,曾參加香港舞蹈挑戰盃比賽、舞蹈世界盃比賽、亞洲芭蕾舞大賽等並獲得優秀的成績。陳氏亦擁有多年的芭蕾舞教學經驗,希望能夠將自身的舞蹈經驗及知識傳授並啟發每一位學生。陳氏現為自由工作者及芭蕾舞老師,透過表演、教學、創作探索自我。
Daisy Chan graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Diploma in Foundations. During her professional training, she worked with the renowned Xinjiang choreographer, Hood Pasha Umer, on "Dance Meshrup". Daisy is passionate about ballet and has been awarded Grade 8 and Vocational Grade certificates from the Royal Academy of Dance. She has extensive stage performance experience. She participated in numerous competitions such as the Hong Kong Dance Challenge Cup, the Dance World Cup, and the Asian Ballet Competition, achieving excellent results. In addition, Daisy has several years of experience in teaching ballet. She is willing to inspire students by sharing her knowledge and skills. Daisy is currently working as a freelance dancer and ballet teacher, exploring herself through performing, teaching, and creating.